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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Title of the paper | Name of the author | Department of the teacher | Name of the journal | Year of publication | UGC/Scopus /WoS/SCI | Link to article / paper / abstract of the article |
Human Multimodal Biometric Recognition Using Rationalized Adaboost andGeometric Curvelet | K Gunasekaran,
J Raja,
R Pitchai,
M Dhurgadevi | ECE | International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems | 2024 | University of Bahrain |
Title of the paper | Name of the author | Department of the teacher | Name of the journal | Year of publication | UGC/Scopus /WoS/SCI | Link to article / paper / abstract of the article |
A secured QR pattern based E health care CAD system for CXR image analyzes | J Raja, J Rajeswari,
S Jayashri | ECE | Optik | 2023 | Urban & Fischer | |
Removal of SP Noise Using Decision Based Adaptive Double Median Filter for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images | R Pitchai,
J Raja,
Ch Madhu Babu | ECE | Wireless Personal Communications | 2023 | Springer US | |
Design of high speed data transfer turbo code for body channel communication transceivers | S. Vijayalakshmi and V. Nagarajan | ECE | Wiley International journal of communication Systems | 2023 | ||
Analysis of Super-Solar Integrated Patch Antenna for Sub-6 GHz and Beyond 6 GHz Millimeter Wave | Suresh Babu, T.N., Sivakumar, D., & Thirumaraiselvan. P | ECE | Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal | 2023 | SCIE, Web of Science, Scopus |
Title of the paper | Name of the author | Department of the teacher | Name of the journal | Year of publication | UGC/Scopus /WoS/SCI | Link to article / paper / abstract of the article |
Gradient contouring and texture modelling based cad system for improved TB classification | J Rajeswari,
J Raja,
S Jayashri | ECE | Automated Software Engineering | 2022 | Springer US | |
De-noising of salt and pepper noise using deep learning-based alpha-guided grey wolf optimization | J Raja,
K Moorthi, Aruna Rajendran | ECE | Applied Soft Computing | 2022 | Elsevier | |
Removal of High Density Impulse Noise Using Adaptive Pulse Coupled Neural Network (APCNN) with Improved Alpha Guided Gray Wolf Optimization (IAgGWO) Technique in Transform Domain | J Raja,
K Moorthi,
R Pitchai | ECE | Wireless Personal Communications | 2022 | Springer US | |
Modelling of wastewater treatment microalgae growth and harvesting by flocculation inside photo bioreactor using machine learning technique | Pavendan.K & V. Nagarajan | ECE | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 2022 | ||
Analysis of Super-Solar Integrated Patch Antenna for Sub-6 GHz and Beyond 6 GHz Millimeter Wave 5G Applications | Dr. P. Thirumaraiselvan | ECE | Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society Journal | 2022 | SCI/WoS/Scopus | |
Deep Learning Based Dual Channel Banana Grading System Using Convolution Neural Network | Dr. P. Thirumaraiselvan | ECE | Journal of Food Quality, Hindawi Publishers | 2022 | SCI/WoS/Scopus | |
Solar Cell Integrated Wearable Patch Antenna on Artificial Magnetic Conductor for On-Body and In-Body Communications | Suresh Babu, T.N., and Sivakumar. D | ECE | Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal | 2022 | SCIE,
Web of Science, Scopus | |
Performance of implantable antenna at ISM band characteristics for
biomedical base | G. Narmadhaa, M. Malathi, Srinivasan Ashok Kumar,
T. Shanmuganantham, S. Deivasigamani | ECE | Science Direct ICT Express 8 (2022) 198–201 | 2022 |
Title of the paper | Name of the author | Department of the teacher | Name of the journal | Year of publication | UGC/Scopus /WoS/SCI | Link to article / paper / abstract of the article |
An automated early detection of glaucoma using support vector machine based visual geometry group 19 (VGG-19) convolutional neural network | J Raja,
P Shanmugam,
R Pitchai | ECE | Wireless Personal Communications | 2021 | Elsevier | |
An automatic recognition of glaucoma in fundus images using deep learning and random forest classifier | P Shanmugam,
J Raja,
R Pitchai | ECE | Applied Soft Computing | 2021 | Elsevier | |
A novel energy harvesting with middle-order weighted probability (EHMoWP) for performance improvement in wireless sensor network (WSN) | N. Mookhambika , Raja Jayamani | ECE | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | 2021 | Springer | |
Improved OD and OC Fragmentation using Deep Learning for the Progression Recognition of Glaucoma | P Shanmugam,
J Raja,
R Pitchai | ECE | Research Square | 2021 | Research Square | |
Multi-uObjective Optimization based on self-organizing PSO algorithm for massive MIMO 5G wireless network | Nagarajan, Velmurugan &Purushothaman, KesavaluElumalai | ECE | International Journal of Communication Systems | 2021 | ||
An Efficient Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna with Dual Feed for Wireless Applications | V.Nagarajan, S.A.AmuthaJeevakumari&K.Imdhumathi | ECE | Journal of Solid State Technology | 2021 | ||
Design of Compact D-shaped Frequency Reconfigurable Slot Antenna for Ku/K Band Applications | Dr.V.Nagarajan & M. JenathSathikbasha | ECE | springer journal of Wireless Personal Communications | 2021 | ||
Fuzzy Rough Set Derived Probabilistic Variable Precision-Based Mitigation Technique for Vampire Attack in MANETs | P.BalajiSrikaanth& V.Nagarajan | ECE | Springer Journal of Wireless Personal Communications | 2021 | ||
Patch antenna integrated on solar cells for green wireless communication: A feature oriented survey and design issues | Suresh Babu, T.N., and Sivakumar, D | ECE | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | 2021 | SCIE,
Web of Science, Scopus |
Title of the paper | Name of the author | Department of the teacher | Name of the journal | Year of publication | UGC/Scopus /WoS/SCI | Link to article / paper / abstract of the article |
Confidentiality-preserving based on attribute encryption using auditable access during encrypted records in cloud location | J Raja,
M Ramakrishnan | ECE | The Journal of Supercomputing | 2020 | Springer | |
Multicriteria dragonfly graph theory based resource optimized virtual network mapping technique for home medical care service provisioning in cloud | Pitchai R,
Balamurugan N,
Raja J | ECE | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | 2020 | Springer | |
Energy Aware Detection and Prevention of Packet Drop Attack in Wireless and Mobile Ad hoc Networks (WMANet) by Packet Drop Battling Mechanism (PDBM) | K Kowshika,
J Raja,
SM Udhaya Sankar | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) | 2020 | Scopus Indexed | 10.34218/IJARET.11.10.2020.178 |
Annealed glowworm optimization graph theory-virtual network mapping for home healthcare in cloud | J Raja,
N Balamurugan,
Low Complexity Maximum Likelihood FBMC QAM for Improved Performance in Longer Delay Channels | J. Raja ,
M. Subalatha,
S. Jayashri | ECE | Wireless Personal Communications | 2020 | Springer | |
Protected Data Storage in cloud Environment using Data Deduplication Plan | K Kowshika,
M Ramakrishnan, J Raja,
SM Udhaya Sankar | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) | 2020 | Scopus Indexed | 10.34218/IJARET.11.9.2020.119 |
Protected Data Sharing Using Attribute Based Encryption for Remote Data Checking in Cloud Environment | K Kowshika,
M Ramakrishnan, J Raja,
SM Udhaya Sankar | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) | 2020 | Scopus Indexed | 10.34218/IJARET.11.8.2020.089 |
An efficient packet image transmission based on texture content for border side security using sensor networks | J.Raja,
R. Pitchai,
G. Reshma | ECE | Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology | 2020 | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | |
Design of Multiband Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for Wireless Applications | Dr.V.Nagarajan & M. JenathSathikbasha | ECE | springer journal of Wireless Personal Communications | 2020 | ||
BCC communication through RZ Bipolar D-QPSK Encoding and Decoding with Hybrid RF base and FPGA Implementation | Dr.V.Nagarajan, Dr.S.Vijayalakshmi, Mr. SakthivelSankaran, Dr. M. PallikondaRajasekaran, and Dr. E.Sankaran | ECE | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7s, pp. 686-694 | 2020 | ||
Design Of Reliable Body Channel Communication Transceiver With Reconfigurable Frequency Synthesizer And Variable Cymometer | Dr.V.Nagarajan, Mr. SakthivelSankaran, Dr. S.Vijayalakshmi, Dr. M. PallikondaRajasekaran | ECE | Journal of advanced research in dynamical & control systems, vol. 12, Issue-02 | 2020 | ||
Implementation of High-Efficiency and Ultra-Low-Power Transceiver for the Design of Body Channel Communication Applications | Dr.V.Nagarajan, Dr.VitawatSittakul, Dr.S.Vijayalakshmi, Dr.K.SakthidasanSankaran, Mr. SakthivelSankaran | ECE | Springer Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | 2020 | ||
Optimized mobility management for RPL/6LoWPAN based IoT network architecture using the firefly algorithm | Dr.V.Nagarajan, Manikannan K | ECE | Elsevier journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems | 2020 | ||
Implementation and Performance Measure of Fuzzy AHP for Resource Allocation in 5G | Dr.V.Nagarajan, R. Dhilip Kumar | ECE | Fluctuation and Noise Letters | 2020 | ||
A Statistical Model for Estimation of Soil Moisture in Paddy Field Using Microwave Satellite Data | Dr. P. Thirumaraiselvan | ECE | Progress In Electromagnetics Research, EMW Publishing | 2020 | SCI/WoS/Scopus | |
Scattering coefficients and Pathgain of a multilayer tissue structure using ABCD matrix method | Dr. P. Thirumaraiselvan | ECE | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer Nature (SCI/Scopus Indexed) | 2020 | SCI/WoS/Scopus | |
Path Loss Characteristics of a City Street Scene With a Site Specific Propagation Prediction Tool | Dr. P. Thirumaraiselvan | ECE | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, USA (SCI/Scopus Indexed) | 2020 | SCI/WoS/Scopus | |
Stepped slot patch antenna with copper ground plane and solar cell ground plane for future mobile communications | Suresh Babu, T.N., and Sivakumar, D | ECE | Progress In Electromagnetics Research C | 2020 | Scopus |
Title of the paper | Name of the author | Department of the teacher | Name of the journal | Year of publication | UGC/Scopus /WoS/SCI | Link to article / paper / abstract of the article |
Deep multimodal biometric recognition using contourlet derivative weighted rank fusion with human face, fingerprint and iris images | K Gunasekaran,
J Raja,
R Pitchai | ECE | Automatika: časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i komunikacije | 2019 | ||
Spectrum Prediction in Cognitive Radio with Hybrid Optimized Neural Network | R. Pitchai ,
Raja ,
P. Supraja | ECE | Mobile Networks and Applications | 2019 | | |
Prognostic evaluation of multimodal biometric traits recognition based human face, finger print and iris images using ensembled SVM classifier | J Raja,
K Gunasekaran, R Pitchai | ECE | Cluster Computing | 2019 | ||
Noise Removal Through the Exploration of Subjective and Apparent Denoised Patches Using Discrete Wavelet Transform | K. Sakthidasan, N. Velmurugan | ECE | IETE Journal of Research | 2019 | ||
Design and Implementation of Low Power High-Efficient Transceiver for Body Channel Communications | S. Vijayalakshmi and V. Nagarajan | ECE | Springer- Journal of Medical Systems | 2019 | ||
Energy efficient low density parity check scheme for body channel communication using FPGA | S. Vijayalakshmi and V. Nagarajan | ECE | Elsevier- Microprocessors and Microsystems | 2019 | ||
Game theory-based modulatio techniques for fifth-generation cellular system | ReenarajThankaraj and V. Nagarajan | ECE | IET Communications | 2019 | ||
S.Sivasakthiselvan and V.Nagarajan | ECE | Elsevier Journal of Computer communication | 2019 | |||
Efficient Traffic Control and Lifetime Maximization in Mobile Ad hoc Network by Using PSO-BAT Optimization | Sridevi, N & Nagarajan, V | ECE | Springer journal of Wireless Networks | 2019 | ||
Efficient Image De-Noising Technique Based on Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm | Dr.Nagarajan V , Sakthidasan@Sankaran K &Vasudevan N & Kumara Guru Diderot P | ECE | Journal of Medical Systems | 2019 | ||
A Statistical Lower UWB Channel Model for in Body Communications | Dr. P. Thirumaraiselvan | ECE | Mobile Networks and Applications, Springer Netherlands | 2019 | ||
Design of mimo antenna for wlan/wimax applications | Sivakumar, D., Sri Arunaa, J., and Suresh Babu, T.N. | ECE | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | 2019 |
Title of the Book | Author Name(s) | Name of the Publisher |
Signals & Systems | Dr. J. Raja, Dr. P. Mangayarkarasi, K. Moorthi | Charulatha Publications |
Electromagnetic Fields | Dr. J. Raja, Dr. P. Mangayarkarasi, K. Moorthi | Charulatha Publications |
Electronic Devices | Dr. J. Raja, Dr. P. Mangayarkarasi | Charulatha Publications |
VLSI | Dr.J.Raja, Dr. P. Mangayarkarasi, B. Ganesamoorthy, K. Moorthi | BKF Publishers & Distributors |
Wireless Communication | Dr. J. Raja, Dr. P. Mangayarkarasi, K. Moorthi | Charulatha Publications |
Digital Signal Processing | Dr. J. Raja, Dr. P. Mangayarkarasi, K. Moorthi | Charulatha Publications |
Electronic Devices | Dr. J. Raja, Dr. P. Mangayarkarasi, K. Moorthi | Charulatha Publications |
RF & Microwave Engineering | Dr. Nagarajan Velmurugan, M. Jenath Sathikbasha | BKF Publishers & Distributors |
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Dr. J. Baskaran, Dr. V. Nagarajan,
J. Madhavan | BKF Publishers & Distributors |
Transmission Lines & Wave Guides | Dr. Nagarajan Velmurugan | Sri Krishna Hitech Publication |
Circuit Analysis | Dr. J. Raja
| Charulatha Publications |